Nintendo 64 Featured
Nintendo 64 Featured

A Developer Has Made Toon Shading And Dynamic Shadows Possible On Nintendo 64

Mind Blowing For Nintendo 64!

Nintendo 64 is a video game console from the gaming giant, Nintendo. The console was released in 1996, and it went on to sell over 30 million units.

While official support for the Nintendo 64 has long been ended, a developer has now made toon shading and dynamic shadows possible on Nintendo 64. It sounds mind-blowing and the developer has made a detailed video about his implementation.


The video explains everything in detail, and the developer describes that he wanted to check the toon shading and dynamic shadows he developed earlier. He stated,

“My main focus on this Jam was incorporating toon shading and the shadow techniques that I developed earlier this year. I wanted to see how viable they were for a game and as far as I know, neither technique has ever been done in an N64 game before.”

The developer has also provided a link to download the game. It is completely free, but fans of the project can choose to contribute to it. Additionally, he also mentioned that the game should work fine on Nintendo 64 consoles, but it seems to struggle with emulators. He said,

“The game will work just fine on real Hardware but you’ll probably have a hard time getting to work on your favorite emulator most of them struggle to get the toon cheating effect to work.”

Moreover, this is not the first time Jams Lambert has done something outstanding. He recently developed a Portal Nintendo 64 port officially known as Portal 64.

What do you think about the developer-made toon shading and dynamic shadows possible on Nintendo 64? Let us know in the comments.

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