Madden 23 SSL Connection Error In PS5 [FIXED]

Facing SSL Connection Error in Madden 23 on PS5? Follow this guide and fix it now!

Madden 23 SSL Connection Error in PS5 is a failure to establish a secure and encrypted connection between your console and the game server. This error prevents you from connecting to the game’s online features.

Many players on the EA help forums have reported experiencing similar SSL Connection errors like “Error: 0x00000023” and SSL Error: 0x00000000″. I’ve gone over all the important ways you can try to fix the Madden 23 SSL Error in PS5 and get back to playing the game. Let’s start!

SSL connection error message (Image credits: Emopulse)
SSL connection error message (Image credits: Emopulse)

  Key Takeaways

  • SSL connection errors can typically related to network or security issues.
  • Common causes include incorrect system settings, network problems, server issues, etc.
  • Solutions include troubleshooting steps like restarting, reinstalling, updating the software, and linking PSID with EA.

I suggest you to attempt these simple fixes before delving into advanced solutions:

  1. Check Server Status
  2. Power Cycle Playstation
  3. Update Firmware
  4. Change DNS Settings
  5. Checking Internet Connection
  6. Clear Cache
  7. Check Router Setting

Update Madden 23

Updating Madden 23 is very important. Updates frequently contain patches and fixes addressing known issues, including security, online connectivity, and SSL connection errors.

Check Your Region, Date, And Time in PS5

I suggest ensuring your console is set to the correct region and time zone to help synchronize with the game’s servers and prevent potential bugs that may trigger the SSL error. It’s a relatively straightforward solution that can impact your gaming experience by ensuring that your console’s system clock aligns with the server’s time.


I tested that using a VPN to address the SSL Connection Error in Madden 2023 on your PS5 can be useful but may come with challenges. VPNs are designed to enhance internet security if your internet connection is unstable or your IP address changes frequently.

Turn on the VPN and attempt the connection again. To prevent potential issues, ensure you are directly connected to your internet provider’s network while using the VPN.

Disable 2-Factor Authentication

Disabling the 2-factor Authentication (2FA) on your EA account is another potential solution to resolve the SSL Connection Error, as reported by many users who solved the issue this way. To give it a try, follow these steps:

1. Visit the EA website.

2. Sign in to your account using “Account Icon” in the top right corner.

Account icon on EA Sports website (Image credits: Emopulse)
Account icon on EA Sports website (Image credits: Emopulse)

3. Navigate to “Account Settings”.

Account settings on EA Sports website (Image credits: Emopulse)
Account settings on the EA Sports website (Image credits: Emopulse)

4. Click on “Security” and then select login verification.

Account security option on EA Sports website (Image credits: Emopulse)
Account security option on EA Sports website (Image credits: Emopulse)

5. Disable 2FA by clicking “Turn Off” and save any changes.

Turn off 2FA in Account security option (Image credits: Emopulse)
Turn off 2FA in the account security option (Image credits: Emopulse)

After disabling 2FA, make sure to restart the game and your console. This step may help you eliminate the SSL error and improve your gaming experience.

Link Your PSID With Your EA Account

The SSL error often arises when there’s a disconnect between your PSID and EA account. This connection is essential for seamless online connectivity within the game. Ensuring that your PSID is linked to your EA account is important to resolve the error.

Follow these steps to link your PSID to your EA account:

1. Visit the EA website.

2. On the top right side, click Log in to your “Account Icon.”

Account icon on EA Sports website (Image credits: Emopulse)
Account icon on EA Sports website (Image credits: Emopulse)

3. Click the “Sign-In” option.

icon on EA Sports website (Image credits: Emopulse)
icon on EA Sports website (Image credits: Emopulse)

4. It will ask you to sign in directly or with other options. Click “Sign-In using PlayStation.”

Sign-in using PS icon on EA Sports website (Image credits: Emopulse)
Sign in using the PS icon on the EA Sports website (Image credits: Emopulse)

5. Add your PSID, click the “Next” option, and your account will be linked to EA Sports.

PS login credentials on EA Sports website (Image credits: Emopulse)
PS login credentials on the EA Sports website (Image credits: Emopulse)

Check Madden Server Status

Sometimes, SSL errors can be due to problems on the server side. Check Madden Server Status to know about the latest information. These platforms often provide updates about server status, ongoing issues, and announcements from the developers. One of my colleagues checked that the Madden server was down due to maintenance issues. So, we waited for the server to go back online. This was the case for some Reddit users as well.

Madden 23 server information page( Image by Emopulse )
Madden 23 server information page (Image credits: Emopulse )

Final Verdict

This error usually occurs due to a temporary server glitch. Outdated systems can contribute to such glitches, so checking for updates might help. Generic fixes may work, but checking Madden server status and waiting for the server to be online by developers is a potential fix.

If you find that the issue persists despite trying the solutions I provide, it’s advisable to contact PlayStation Support for assistance. Contact EA Sports customer support for assistance or check their official website or social media channels for any announcements regarding server issues.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is an SSL connection error in Madden 2023 on PS5?

An SSL connection error in Madden 2023 on PS5 is a technical issue that prevents the secure and encrypted connection between your console and the game server. It can disrupt online gameplay.

What are the common causes of SSL connection errors in Madden 2023 on PS5?

Common causes include network issues, incorrect date and time settings, outdated software, server problems, and restrictive firewall or router settings.

How can I fix SSL connection errors in Madden 2023 on my PS5?

Solutions include checking your internet connection, restarting your PS5, updating software, verifying date and time settings, using a wired connection, checking router settings, contacting EA Sports support, and reaching out to PlayStation support if needed.

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