PS4 Application Suspended In 15 Minutes [FIXED]

Got "ps4 application suspended in 15 minutes because license cannot be verified" error? Fix it Now!

Players sometimes encounter – the “PS4 application suspended in 15 minutes because the license cannot be verified” error. One of the primary causes of this error is a poor or interrupted internet connection or the licensing server on Sony’s end, which might experience difficulties. I will provide comprehensive solutions to ensure you can enjoy uninterrupted gaming.

Error message about PS4 application suspended in 15 minutes because the license cannot be verified  - [Image credits: Emopulse]
Error message about PS4 application suspended in 15 minutes because the license cannot be verified  – [Image credits: Emopulse]

Key Takeaways

  • The PS4 application was suspended for 15 minutes, so my console couldn’t verify the license for the software.
  • This PS4 error is just a minor inconvenience. The primary cause of this error is a glitch in the network connection.
  • Some potential solutions include activating PS4 as the primary console, updating the game, and fixing the internet.

I suggest you attempt these simple fixes before delving into advanced solutions:

  1. Check Server Status
  2. Check Internet Connection
  3. Power Cycle PlayStation
  4. Update Firmware
  5. Change DNS Settings
  6. Clear Cache

Restore Licenses

Our team tested that restoring licenses on PS4 is a crucial step in resolving the “PS4 application suspended” error. This process refreshes and re-verifies the licenses for your games and applications, ensuring that your console can accurately validate your purchased software.

When licenses are restored, it helps your PS4 establish a clear and updated connection with Sony’s licensing server. This is essential for seamless verification of the legitimacy of your game licenses, preventing interruptions such as the 15-minute suspension error.

  1. PS4 home screen: Navigate to “Settings” > “Account Management” > “Restore Licenses.”
  2. This option will refresh and re-verify the licenses for your games and applications.
Restore licenses for Error message about PS4 application suspended in 15 minutes because the license cannot be verified  - [Image credits: Emopulse] 
Restore licenses for Error message – [Image credits: Emopulse]

Activate The PS4 As Your Primary Console

Another step I found is to activate PS4 as the primary console, which is crucial for an optimal gaming experience. It enables seamless access to digital content for all users, facilitates cost-effective sharing of PlayStation Plus benefits, and ensures automatic updates for your games.

This simple step enhances convenience and maximizes the capabilities of your gaming system. A colleague on my team successfully resolved the “PS4 application suspended” issue using the “activate PS4 as the primary console” approach, benefiting Quora users, too.

  1. Open settings:  “Settings” > “Account Management” > “Activate as Your Primary PS4.”
  2. Activation: Activate your console as the primary one. This can help with license verification.
Restore licenses - [Image credits: Emopulse]
Activate option for removing application suspension error – [Image credits: Emopulse]

Final Verdict

This error usually occurs due to a temporary server glitch. Outdated systems can contribute to such glitches, so checking for updates might help. Generic fixes may work, but activating PS4 as the primary console is a potential fix. If all else fails, it may be necessary to contact PlayStation Support directly. They can investigate the issue and provide specific guidance tailored to your situation.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I see the "PS4 Application Suspended for 15 Minutes" error?

This error occurs when your PS4 can't verify the license for the software. It may be due to internet issues, outdated game versions, licensing server problems, or account issues.

How can I fix the error?

Ensure a stable internet connection, update the game, restart/power cycle the console, restore licenses, activate the PS4 as your primary console, reinstall the game, update system software, clear system cache, change DNS server, or contact PlayStation Support.

How do I restore licenses?

Go to PS4 settings > Account Management > Restore Licenses. This refreshes and re-verifies licenses for your games and apps.

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